Sunday, January 24, 2010

Wow, it has been awhile...

I apologize for being away for so long. I was basically swamped with getting This Old House, volume 4 ready for publication. I put in 90 hours in November, which may seem quite average to most of you, but considering that I usually work about 10 hours a week, then you'll see why the project left my head spinning. I spent most of that time doing photo-editing, desktop publishing, proofing and indexing. The book hit local stores in early December, and has been selling quite well from what I hear. Volume 4 was the last in the series, so right now I find myself unemployed. There is a chance volume 1 will be re-done to match the other three volumes, but that depends on City funding. Keep your fingers crossed!

So I took a break in December, and now that January is here (and almost gone - gasp!), I find myself worrying about money. I have been focusing on my Etsy shop, and thanks to a recent creative binge, I've been adding new items almost daily. I have been pondering over selling some of my dust-collecting belongings on E-Bay, but I will see what the near-future brings first. In the mean time, I am trying to ignore my bank account, and am relying on my shop earnings to buy supplies and other necessities.

More soon!